Friday, January 15, 2010

Under Table = Poop

Collin is taking after his Daddy in more ways than I can count. When Grandma Holmes was visiting us for the holidays, she told us the story about Daddy learning to be potty-trained. He was great at peeing in the toilet but did not want to go poop in there. She was not sure why. She said that she knew when he was pooping though because he would crawl under any table that was near and sit under it when he was either pooping or had just finished. We, of course, thought this was funny. That was until Collin started to do the same thing. He is potty-trained at school and most of the days when he is at home....except for pooping in the toilet. I have watched him closer now and observed that when he goes poop in his big boy underwear, it's right after he just hid under a table.....little stinker! (literally). I hope he is not doing this because he heard us talking about Daddy. At least I know when I need to change his underwear and not have to discover the mess later.

Potty-training is fun!

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