Friday, September 18, 2009

Chillax'n & the mornings activities

I am about to start the day with Collin. The mornings are usually mine and the nights are Laura's. I checked him out on the monitor and he is laid back with his hands behined his head. He is sleeping and very peaceful, it is the calm before the storm. Lately he has been fussy in the mornings, at night, in the middle of the day, pretty much whenever you ask him any questions, heck most of the time. I think we are fully ingulfed in the Terrible Two's.

Either way I still really look forward to waking him up in the mornings. He usually wants to bring one or 4 of the stuffed animals in his room down to the breakfast table. As soon as he gets down here he forgets them and starts to play with one of his toys until I put food on the table. This is my chance to throw them back upstairs and out of his view. I really did not want him to carry his stuffed animals around all day.
Breakfast is a discussion in futility. But when he wants to move on he proclaims "I'm Finished" and moves along. After cleaning up we migrate downstairs and brush our teeth and put on deodorant, he puts on his own, Then we put on our clothes and thta is getting funning as watching him try to put his shirt on is hilarious. He usually gets frustrated and yells at it and then as me to do it.
Then we are off to school and his friends. We run threw the list of names of all of his school friends. Then walking in to school where he has to carry his lunch bag and fully understands thta he has to hold my hand when crossing the street. But as soon as we cross he drops my hand and moves on.

I like how he is growing up confident and independant. Except I still want my hug before he goes into class, sometimes I have to steel it but I always get it.

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