Sunday, August 2, 2009

A morning of fun with mommy and daddy

This morning, we went to breakfast as a family as we usually on a Sunday morning. We chose to go to Kolache Factory today because we had a play date with Elina and her mom at the water park so we could not go far away from the house like we sometimes do. Also, daddy thought he was going to have the day off but needed to work today. Collin really enjoyed his cinnamon roll and watching the other people come in to place their order.

Collin got cleaned up and we went back home for him to ride his bike (while one of us pushed it) before we went to the park. He is getting really good at turning his bike either left or right when instructed to do so. He can keep the bike straight especially when he is on the sidewalk or...when he wants to. When it was time to go, he purposely turned the bike in the opposite direction because he was not ready to go. We tried some coaxing that did not work but distraction finally did.

He was excited as soon as he saw the water at the park when I drove by. I am glad we had him ready in his swim gear before we got to the park because he was ready to go. Once there, he did take a little while to figure out if he was interested in playing in the water or not. Daddy had to get in which helped Collin start playing. He likes to stand on the water vents and then spray me or anyone that is close.
He did get bored and ran off to play on the playground that was close. Daddy ran after him. Collin likes to slide again which is great since he was scared of them when he first got his cast off. However, this slide is WAY too wide for him so we have to help him down. If not, he turns sideways and eventually backwards. None of us are ready for a broken bone again anytime soon. Here are a few pics of the guys.
Daddy had to leave for work and we went to Elina's house for lunch and more time to play. She has different toys than Collin so he had a great time checking them all out. Both kids got tired so it was time for us to leave so they both could take a nap....which is why I have time to write this post at the moment.

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