Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mimi and Pappy's 23rd Anniversary

Tonight, we celebrated Mimi and Pappy's 23rd anniversary. Collin was a little out of sorts when we got there but Pappy was able to calm him down and get him to eat a little which really helped. I am sure he was tired from his full day yesterday and full day today before we got to the restaurant.
After going to church this morning, we went over to a coworker's house, Ginni, to play with her and her 14-month old daughter. Collin enjoyed playing with the new toys but mainly wanted to crawl up their hardwood floor stairs. Emilia does not really crawl up the stairs but she was trying to keep up with Collin. I would get him back down the stairs, then turn around to get him a snack and he was already headed back up the stairs. He did get a workout but I am not sure how much of a play date it was since he did not play with Emilia that much. At one point, Collin found my purse, pulled out my brush, crawled up behind me, pulled up on my back and started to brush my hair. I have NEVER had him do this to me before. At night, I do brush his wet hair out before he goes to bed. As i am doing this, I do say that "mommy is brushing your hair" so maybe that is where he learned it from. I told Mimi about it tonight and she said he has brushed her hair out before.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Too cute..Collin the hair stylist.