Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesdays with Daddy

What a Great Day. Collin is getting so interactive now. He sits up he moves around on the floor, alot and he loves his office. When we go shopping he flurts with all of the ladies and has the greatest time meeting new people. Collin is not afraid of meeting new people and he even embraces it. He gets bored if you keep him in one place to long, he even gets bored with eating because it takes to long and he has things to do and stuff to look at.

Collin, has such an optimistic attitude and Laura and I can already see a great personality developing. This might be what every parent says about their child but ours IS Special and the smartest and the cutest to. So There!! Collin now realizes that things are behined him and it is alot of fun picking on that knowledge, with Laura as his mother you can only imagine how much he gets messed with. Lisa knows what I mean.

Collin has a laugh that makes the world stop and time just disappears. We played alot today and time just flew by. We totally forgot most of the Honey Do's that Laura gave us to do because we were playing and laughing. Collin and I have this game where he sits on my stomach and chest while I am sitting down. He jumps up and down and reacts to my facial games and noises. Collin particularly likes it when I stick my tongue out at him and blow in his face. Also Collin likes when you blow his is face and hair. He just starts laughing about it. He also is very tickleish and that knowledge is very dangerous to Collin.

As you can tell we had a great day and always looking forward to another. I like being his Daddy.

1 comment:

Angy said...

Ever blow in his face after eating Star Pizza? Bet he wouldn't be laughing then... hahaha oh wonderful garlic!