Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Little Nurse

It's been a rough few days after I started my first round of chemo last Thursday.  I was tired Thursday night when I got home, so I rested in a comfy chair which Collin refers to as my sick chair.  When he got home, he saw me resting there.  He went into his room and came out with some of his favorite stuffed animals including Monkey.  He placed these around me in the chair and then gave me a kiss.  That made me feel SO much better already.

Friday was a great day which I was not expecting but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Saturday was completely the opposite of Friday and a TERRIBLY nauseous, dizzy, fatigued day.  I was hit hard and really wanted to be able to move around that day without feeling so terrible.  I stayed in bed a little longer that morning.  Collin came in to give me a kiss and pulled the covers up over me a little more. before leaving the room.  The rest of the day, he was really gentle with me especially when I reminded him that I did not feel as good.  I did feel OK enough to watch him play his Tball game at 1pm.  I sat in a chair the entire time but was so glad I was there to watch him hit the ball, run the bases, field the ball and throw it.  I know he liked having me there because I saw him wave at me a few times.  We came home and took a nap together which helped.  I finally felt 50% better around 6pm.

Sunday was mostly the same as Saturday.  Here we go again.  Laying in bed for another 1 1/2 hours helped some.  I was at least able to walk around, slowly, without feeling so dizzy.  I was eventually able to participate in the day and go out to dinner with the family that night.

Monday...yep, the same but still a little better.  I got up to help make Collin's lunch and then had to rest an hour before getting ready for a doctor's appointment that morning (my port is flipped so we need to see what the surgeon can do about it).  Collin came into my room and put his cold hand on my head.  What relief!  I felt like I was hot so this really did help. 

I felt OK at the appointment and was able to almost stand up straight and walk without too much stomach pain.  I also attended a class that afternoon from the American Cancer Society but...thank goodness they had Sprite.  I really needed it to settle my stomach during the class.  I did have my medicine but thought the nausea was still controllable at that point.  I got home and needed to rest on the couch.  When Collin came home from his swim practice that afternoon, he saw me on the couch, jumped up next to me, crawled under the covers with me and gave me kisses.  Awwww......again ,this helped me feel so much better.  We laid there for about 15 minutes finishing a TV show I was watching before I got up to make him dinner.  It was around 6pm again and I felt the best of the day.  I guess 6pm is the magic time for the few days after chemo.  At least I have my little nurse with me for days like these. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Soccer - Game 2

I missed Collin's first soccer game so I was so glad that I felt good enough to watch him this afternoon.  This is a different league where there are only three players from each team on the field at a time during the game.  Therefore, it's not only action packed but each player gets to play a lot more to be able to practice their skills and get to the ball more.  Unlike his first game, Collin was much more aggressive and trying to get the ball and was able to control it better.  Grandma H and I was hollering out to him and the other players most of the game because they were doing so well.  However, towards the end of the 45 minute game in the 80 degree heat, you could tell that the kids were getting tired.  One time when he got off the field for a water break, he said that he could not drink anymore water because it was weighing him down and he could not run.  I'll have to remember to bring the fan that sprays water on him next time.  That seems to work really well at cooling him down.

Heading off the field for a water break

Helping a team mate out

Behind William ready for a pass

Headed toward the goal

Great foot work turning the ball

This one's his!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Finally - The Art Car Parade

I don't think any of us knew what to expect from the art car parade this morning other than that each of the kids would at some point walk around in their art car.  Oh know.  It was more than this.  The ENTIRE school was involved.  All of the students sat outside the class room to watch the parade of Pre-K "cars" walk by, not only once, but twice.  It sure was a big deal.  At this point, I was really glad we spent the time we did on his car.  There sure were some other fancy ones out there, but his car was not too shabby.  Plus, you could tell how much input he had in making his car.

During the parade, Collin's class was last and he was the second to last car in line (by Evy, of course) so it took awhile to see him come up.  When he did, he was focused on holding his car up and walking in the parade.  Daddy or I would call his name and he did not even acknowledge us.

After walking around twice, the kids headed back to their section of the school for the parents and teachers to take pictures.  The parents were then highly urged to take the cars home....now.  Collin seemed like he had a good time....maybe Daddy and I even enjoyed it more than him.

Getting lined up in class.  This is only half of his class.  The rest of the kids are already out the door.

Round one of the "drive by"

Kids in Collin's class

Luke, Collin and Evy outside their class for the parents to take pictures

Luke, Collin, Evy and Dalton

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Art Car - In Progress

There is an art car parade at school tomorrow (Friday).  We have known about this for over two weeks (thank you teacher!!!).  The first weekend, Daddy and Collin made the body of the art car with some cardboard and other supplies at Daddy's work.  They did so well....it was a great start for the car.  Daddy said that Collin helped a lot.

Last weekend, we painted the body of the car.  Collin was very particular about the colors he wanted and were.  I did paint the base paint while he was at school to help us get started that afternoon when he got home. 
Earlier this week, we finished the painting including the wheels for the car.  It was a rainy day earlier in the week so it was perfect for art car time!  I found some stars that I had in the craft box and Collin placed these were we would later glue them on when the paint dried.

Last night, we put on the finishing touches which included the wheels, orange felt stirring wheel, front and back bumpers, and most importantly, the fin in the back.  I also surprised him with two felt number 6's to include on each side of the car.  He is so ready to be 6 that I thought he would love this.  We were going to do a dashboard but, hey, we had other things to do like bathe and get ready for bed after a long day already.

His favorite part was the fin because the colors were like Francesco from the movie Cars 3.  He then liked that each of the wheels spin thanks to the brads that he put through each hole by himself. 

Here he is after he was able to crawl into the car and stand up on his own.

I'll post more pictures tomorrow if I am able to attend the parade in the morning.

Monday, April 1, 2013

More Eggs and Friends

For Easter, we had a lazy morning spending it at the apartment so that I could be rested for the activities planned the rest of the day.

We first went to Alex and Ellie's house to join the family Easter lunch celebration.  The entire extended family was there.  The weather was great so I found a comfortable chair outside and sat there most of the time.  That really helped me conserve my energy.  Collin had a blast with the kids and the dogs.  We had an AWESOME meal that included sides everyone brought.  After the meal, we hid the eggs for an egg hunt.  The kids had a blast in the back yard finding the eggs.  Collin is a pro at this now.  He did chose the basket this time instead of the bag.  I mention this because the eggs did start falling out of the basket when he bent over to pick up a new egg.  I started following behind him, as he instructed me to do so, to pick up the eggs that "escaped" his basket.  He did really well and ended up finding $1 in one egg and $5 in another.

I hope he did not trample too many herbs trying to find eggs

I got to see a lot of this pose....butt in the air!

Eggs where in the play house too!

See why the eggs kept falling out?
We were supposed to meet with my side of the family after the egg hunt.  However, due to miscommunication and not feeling well, we postponed the dinner until next Sunday night.  Instead, we went home for a much needed nap (I took a nap and the boys did rest).  We were going to stay inside for dinner but Daddy thought it was a good idea to get out so we did.  Collin wanted to eat at the "stinky place" so that he could play video games and get candy.  He meant Fuddrucker's which I was fine with.  After dinner, we checked out the new bicycle shop, came home and got ready for bed. 

That night, while I was laying next to Collin talking about his day, he grabbed my hand and eventually fell asleep that way.  I loved this moment and did not want it to end.  However, that was a great way to end an awesome weekend.