Thursday, January 31, 2013

Collin and His "Friends"

Collin still LOVES his stuffed animals.  Some nights, he wants the core gang with him and some nights, they ALL need to be in bed with him.  The major players, Monkey, Puppy, Whale, and Elmo, are usually in another room because he takes these around with him especially to the couch in the mornings after breakfast.  I think he also does this to delay getting in bed because we have to find all of these guys and put them on the bed before he will lay down.

Last night, he found the stash of Christmas hats I had hidden behind a door in my room.  I had not taken these back to the house because I cannot get into the spare room where the Christmas stuff is. So rather than pile more stuff in a room in the house, I kept them at the apartment.  Well, Collin found these hats and wore my sparkle one to the dinner table and then to the couch and whatever else he did before going to bed.  I never said anything to him because I was fine with it. 

When it was time for bed, the look on his face after gathering this favorite animals around him and then laid down was priceless.  He must have thought he was either getting away with something or that he was going to get in trouble.  Either way, the smirk was hilarious.  I did not play his game and continued to read a book and then tuck him him. It was killing him that I did not say anything.  Finally, I did say, "I see the hat on your head.  I don't mind if you wear it.  I just hope you are not sweaty in it later tonight when you get hot in it".  He smiled and turned on his side to get ready to fall asleep.

Later when Daddy and I peeked in on him before going to bed, this is what we saw:

The hat was still on his head and Monkey and Little Jimmy (the giraffe) were on each side of him.  I also saw Puppy, Elmo, Clifford and all of his other friends by his side.  He was snuggled, snoring and looked too cute.  Like the hand up above his head?  He does this a lot too.  Wonder what questions he has?


There is a lot going on in our lives right now so posting on the blog has fallen way behind.  I have chosen sleep over posting.  Sorry!!!

I have been helping Daddy in the mornings waking Collin up.  I love doing this because I never know how he is going to react or what he is going to say.  I usually walk into his room and softly say, "Collin, time to wake up" before I bend over and give him a soft kiss on the cheek.  Now, what kid would not like that?  I am sure that's also why he does not pop up and run out of his room either.  Why would he if he knew that I would give him hugs and more kisses to get him up?  Smart kid if you ask me.

Anyway, after the kisses, he stretches out.  If he was on his tummy when I woke him up, he gets on his knees and pushes back so his butt is in the air.  I then scratch his back a little and tell him about the morning while he is stretching more.  If he is on his back, then he stretches with his arms over head while I sometimes pull on his legs (see the previous post). 

I then wait for the questions and conversation.  This week, it has been:

Collin:  "Mommy, how did I get her last night?  I remember watching TV in your room.  Next time, wake me up before I go to bed"
Mommy:  "Yes, Your Highness.  You were so tired from Saige and Linden coming over to play for most of the day that you passed out during your movie".
Collin:  "No I did not"
Mommy:  "OK Collin, next time I will wake you up" way! I loved that I got an extra 2 hours of time to myself to talk to Daddy, read and take a warm bath.  That was some awesome Mommy time!

Collin:  "Is it a school day?'  I get this one a lot and never know if the answer will make him mad or not
Mommy:  "Yes, it's a school day AND bus day"
Collin:  "Yeah!"

There are really funny moments but this sleep-deprived Mommy cannot think of some of those right now.  Daddy does like to get the reports of the really good ones when I come of Collin's room to head to the kitchen and make is lunch. 

I then am out the door in the next 15 minutes.  I give both of my boys a kiss and hug and then leave.  Several times, Collin gets out of his chair, runs over and gives me extra hugs.  I love these times.  I even get a milk kiss on my pants.  Oh well.  I dries, right?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

"Pull My Legs"

Collin must be growing because he is eating so much compared to how much he usually eats.  Also, in the mornings, he as asked several time for me to pull on both of his legs while he puts his arms over his head.  He said he does this because his legs hurt.  Well, if the bones are growing, they probably do hurt. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


As noted before, Collin played his second game of basket ball last week.  He made two baskets during the game.  I was so proud!  He looked over at me when he did it and I could tell that he was proud of himself too.  He still needs to work on dribbling but at least he knows he has to do it instead of just traveling with the ball.  Despite his baskets, the team still lost.  The other team had three great players which really helped them out.  He did do better staying on the court instead of wanting to get off regularly to get a drink.  I hid the drink a little which probably helped some.  He also did not get hit by the ball when it rebounded or when another player threw it which, I am sure, helped with him liking the game.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Catch Up

It has been a busy start to the new year.  We have settled into the apartment where we will be living until at least April (that's my hope) while our house is being renovated.  The renovations are going really well and are ahead of schedule.  I am not getting excited just yet though.  I know we have a lot to go.  They have already added the stairs, have the rooms clearly defined on both floors and tore off all of the siding which was falling apart.  They are now busy working on things that are not as noticeable like the plumbing, electrical and A/C.  I have been busy picking out the tile, counter tops, paint, fixtures and other things that will go into the new house.  I wanted to focus on this the first few weeks of the year before I got really busy with work and training.  Yep, it's time to train again and I have ramped up to at least four days a week.  I also moved office buildings from the South to the North side of where we were located before.  Not only did I pack up a house and help move the furniture besides packing and unpacking an apartment, I packed and unpacked my office.  Now, that explains a lot of why I have not posted lately. 

Collin has also been busy.  He and I really enjoyed the time that we got to spend together over the holidays.  However, I know have a much better understanding why the mommies are ready to come back to work or at least send the kids to school after such a long break.  Collin is a true only child and I am his playmate.  Well, this playmate has other things I have to do in addition to everything I mentioned above.  I have to clean the apartment, wash the clothes, get groceries and run other errands...and find time for myself and to work out.  Daddy is in there too somewhere.  However, Collin does not see any of this.  All he sees is "you're not playing with me" as I am holding a car or action figure and trying to figure out what the toy will be doing or say.  OK kiddo, cut your Mommy so slack.  Towards the end of the break, I let Collin know that the word "Mommy" was off limits and I was no longer going to answer to that name. That did not work...and he continued to call out "Mommy" at least 20 times in 15 minutes or less.

Cousin Timmy spent the night Friday night at the apartment.  They boys had a blast playing with Collin's new toys he got from Christmas.  I used this time free from being the playmate to continue to research and pick out things for the new house.  No decisions were made but at least I was able to knock some things off the list.  That night, I put down several blankets on the floor next to the twin mattress in Collin's bedroom.  I thought this would be were Timmy slept and hoped there was not a fight about who was sleeping where.  There was not a fight but I was surprised that Collin wanted to sleep on the pallet I made on the floor and Timmy wanted to sleep in the mattress.  I checked in the middle of the night and the boys where still in these spots sleeping so cute.  The next morning, we went to Collin's first basketball game.  Timmy came to watch and played on the Leapster most of the time.  We went to the house to meet with the contractor and had lunch after that.  Daddy then had to work and the boys and I went back to the apartment to play some more.  We met Aunt Lisa that night to drop Timmy off.  We plan to have this be a monthly thing because the boys really get along so well.  I think it's good for Collin to develop a great relationship like this with his the extra time I have not being the playmate.

Since Timmy spent the night, Collin has not slept on his mattress but on the pallet instead.  That was 8 days ago. I acted like I was going to pick up the pallet a night or two later and Collin informed me that he sleeps there.  Do NOT wash the blankets.  Last night, I needed to wash some of the blankets because they were smelly from him still peeing through his Pull Ups at night.  He did not want me to wash these at all.  "Mommy, did you wash this soft cover already?  I think you did because it's not as soft as it was when I first got it".  You mean when you got it at Christmas?  I thought it was just as soft and could not tell the difference.  I did win and washed the two blankets that really needed it.

Collin is now in gymnastics two days a week...Monday and Thursday after school.  He really likes these classes now that there are at least one or two other boys in the class.  We like that he is enjoying these classes because it's a great foundation for him when he plays other sports or just being active like he is.

Daddy is busy with the bike shop and opening up another location.  This will be the fourth one which means that the shop is doing well.

The Holmes family is looking forward to 2013 and the challenges, fun and joy it brings.